October 15, 2012

I thought you were the kind of girl who knew when to say when... and dating stuffs

Ahh quotables from Juno.  I’ve been dating up a storm lately because I truly feel like now I can actually make plans for myself.  And while these plans didn’t include living at home and struggling to find a new job, they do include enjoying myself. However, it has come to my attention that there needs to be that discussion of when are we going to label this thing.

I don’t like labels. I don’t care about clothing labels and I don’t really like office supply labels that get jammed in the fucking printer on a daily basis.  When it comes to dating why do I have to call it so early on in the game. And granted it is difficult to figure out where the other one stands in the situation I think if people are honest and open to discussing it you can avoid hurt feelings.

I will say that I am less than jealous and whether that’s good or bad that I don’t get possessive remains to be seen, it is however annoying for some.  I can understand this.  Why am I "ok" with both parties dating around? Well, I’m in my 20s, no real pressure to get married or have kids, at least from my self which should be the most important person, so why not see what happens.

Plus, the stories alone are worth the awkwardness of a first date.  Interestingly enough, for someone who has kissed her share of frogs, and whatever the complete opposite, hot animal is… like a glittery male unicorn, I try never kiss on the first date.

I just met you, and I work in public health, I don’t know where you’ve been son!  This is something I’ve also found people feel is awkward, like the guy I went on 1 date with 3 years ago that God has cursed me to run into every morning in Copley Square.  He went in for the kiss, but I wasn’t having it, denied.  Plus he discussed what he would want to name his future kids over a friggin coffee date.  RED FLAG, I mean even for a non commitment-phobe like myself.
Although sidenote: a guy recently asked me what I was hoping to get out of all the dating, and I said well ultimately to fall in love.  I mean if that isn’t your goal what are you doing!?

Another friend of mine who is getting back into the dating pool asked what I talk about on all these dates so I am going to give you my cheat sheet:

What is the best meal you’ve ever had?
                This can open up travel stories, friends, ambiance, tastes, funny or sad things… all good for continuing conversation
Do you have any good scar/injury stories?
                While this may seem morbid you would not believe how many men want to tell you about the time they had some sharp object slice and dice them.
Worst bad date story?
                This can be terrible with the wrong person but towards the end of a good date it can be hilarious and also let the other person know that you do NOT think this is a bad date.  
Music, Movies, TV
I try to stay away from favorite bands books. I mean we all like music, your taste in music doesn’t , in my opinion, say that much about a person.  You may like a genre but unless he listens exclusively to Mariah Carey I think its pointless and boring.  But amazing concert stories are fun.  T.V. shows, if you have 1 in common can be good.  I like move stuff though, I feel like we’re so media addicted these days that almost all people have some really passionate movie choice and you’ll spend more time going, watching and discussing movies than you will listening to the same song together in your apartment, without conversation, just listening… which by the way would be creeeeepville.
                Well it is an election year, but don’t bring up anything that you can get really fired up about unless it is a deal breaker.  If they have an opposing view don’t start bashing it.  Move on, and decide later if it’s a deal breaker
                Unless you 100% cannot date someone who is not of your faith do not ever bring up religion.  JMO.
Dull Moments
                Play, what are these people doing here?
                 Which is the game where you make up bizarre and humorous back stories for your fellow patrons.  You can see someone’s creativity and get a laugh usually. Also, you can see if they’re kind.  I am not… so doesn’t always work to my benefit.

Got some potential new ones so I’ll report back!
Happy hunting in the city!

How I probably end up looking when Im on a date:

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